John Wooden said, "The most important thing in the world is family and love." We agree and live with those words in mind. If you have not yet heard, SAHF stands for Salvadoran American Humanitarian Foundation, SAHF was founded in 1983 in Miami, FL, by Salvadorans who had fled the country during the civil war but still wanted to help with the fragile healthcare system. Soon after starting the foundation, the founders, led by Don Luis Poma, created FUSAL (Fundación Salvadoreña para la Salud y el Desarrollo Humano) in 1985 to help implement programs and distribute goods acquired by SAHF in the United States. SAHF and FUSAL work hand in hand to "Love El Salvador" and its people the most they can.
The foundations have different programs that help families and children develop to their fullest potential – showing love in multiple ways. In this [new] blog, you will find content regarding SAHF, FUSAL, our partners, and the incredible stories of our benefactors. Many of our benefactors have taken advantage of the programs' support and bettered themselves and/or their families.
We are so proud of the work that we have been able to accomplish and the lives we have been able to change for the better. We are excited to continue our work and continue to share our stories. While there is a long way to go before every Salvadoran will reach their basic human needs. Still, we are optimistic that the work we do daily gets us closer to that goal.
There you have it, two sister foundations that believe love and compassion are the most important things to give to others. #LoveElSalvador

To learn more about FUSAL and the work that we do other please visit our annual reports.